jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015

Developing law students’ communicative linguistic competence: Analysis of eight Spanish legal textbooks from a sociopragmatic perspective

"This article presents a study carried out on eight Spanish legal textbooks in order to draw up an inventory of educational resources available to support the development of law students’ communicative competence, taking into account the law degree curricula at Spanish universities (Ezeiza Ramos forthcoming a, forthcoming b). The analysis was carried out by using a sociopragmatic approach to teaching language with specific purposes (Bhatia 2002a, 2002b, 2004, 2008, 2010), which postulates that the acquisition of specialist communicative competence requires a tactical space in which obtaining discursive knowledge in its double (social and textual) dimension and learning about the subject itself are combined, thus taking into account the nature of relevant professional practice itself. Applied in the legal sciences area, this perspective takes the form of a pedagogical model based on three main axes (Candlin & Bhatia 1998, quoted in Bhatia et al. 2004): a) practice contexts; b) text genres; and c) strategic skills. From this starting point, I analysed: a) the learning and language use contexts offered in the textbooks studied; b) the text genres which educational materials are based on; and c) the dimensions of competence development (behaviours, knowing “that” and know-how) the materials can be used with. This allowed me to identify a wide range of ideas and resources which, after appropriate adaptation, can be used to support the development of communicative competence in L1, L2 and FL learning contexts". 

Se trata de un trabajo reciente de Joseba Ezeiza Ramos incluido en CercleS 2015; 5(1): 125–155.

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